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American Public Health Association

For the past 125 years, the American Public Health Association (APHA) has influenced the policy-making process at the local and national level in its efforts to prevent disease and promote health. Some of the organization's primary interests include issues such as environmental health, professional education in public health, and lobbying for a smoke-free society. The Association's main programmatic areas include its publication series, annual awards, educational services, and advocacy efforts across the United States. While some of the material here is limited to dues-paying members of the APHA, there is more than enough free material to warrant several visits. For example, all of the APHA's public press releases and news updates are available here, along with sample chapters from recent and forthcoming publications. One particularly pragmatic section is the Science & Programs area of the site, which includes several sites created by the APHA to address the importance of exercise for young people and another site that deals with deep vein thrombosis.
Date of Scout Publication
September 10th, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
September 10th, 2004 at 9:46am
Date Of Record Release
September 14th, 2004 at 3:08pm
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