Summer is quickly making an exit in anticipation of fall's blustery arrival, but that doesn't mean it is too late for a trip to the American West. This site, developed and maintained by Kathy Weiser, may provide the inspiration visitors need to pack up and make a move out to one of the Western states. Legends of America was inspired by Weiser's love for history and travel, and as such, contains a host of material on the landscape of the Western states, with a particular emphasis on the historic ghost towns, abandoned mines, mustachioed-gunmen, and other once-dominant features of the region. Visitors can click on any number of thematic headings, such as "Old West Legends" and "Legendary Route 66" to peruse a number of short essays and visual materials (such as photographs). Additionally, visitors may browse in a more traditional format merely by clicking on a specific state of interest. Finally, visitors will want to browse through the newsletter published by Weiser as it contains useful information about the latest additions to the site.