The Concord Consortium's Seeing Math Telecommunications Project, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education, "develops multimedia case studies and digital tools for elementary and middle school mathematics teacher professional development." The core feature of this project are the Internet-based video case studies, which explore "the way individual teachers meet the challenge of implementing standards set forth by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)" and are used as part of the organization's professional development courses. The cases are used as a starting point for participants to discuss their own practice as they follow the decision-making process of the case teachers. The team notes that the videos are "not presented either for critique or as recipe for emulation" but as a way for teachers to "reflect on and inform their own practice." Samples of the videos are posted on this website, along with information on the project, the participants, and related publications. Links to other programs that are seeking pilot participants are also provided.