Mathworld, hosted and sponsored by Wolfram Research, Inc., is an online mathematics encyclopedia intended for students, educators, math enthusiasts, and researchers. This amazing resource was compiled over 12 years by Eric Weisstein with assistance from the mathematics and Internet communities, and continues to be updated. (Weisstein also authored the ScienceWorld site, which contains material about astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics and has been reported on in a previous Scout Report). Topics listed in the index include: Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Calculus and Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Foundations of Mathematics, Geometry, History and Terminology, Number Theory, Probability and Statistics, Recreational Mathematics, and Topology. Visitors can also browse an alphabetical index of subjects and concepts covered on this website. The What's New section highlights current developments in mathematics, and more extensive coverage of select topics is offered in the newsletter. Numerous animated GIFs and 3D graphics pages coupled with links to further references and articles make this an interactive site as well.