At the heart of this resource on the French sociologist and philosopher Emile Durkheim, provided by Professor Robert Alun Jones of the University of Illinois, is its bibliographic section. Included are both a complete chronological bibliography of Durkheim's published works, and an alphabetical bibliography of hundreds of items about Durkheim. An explanation of the process involved in producing these bibliographies is provided at the site. This site also features two full texts (French only at this time), highlighted by a set of lecture notes taken by the philosopher Andre Lalonde from a course given by Durkheim in 1883-84. A brief biography of Durkheim, a timeline, a list of lecture courses taught by Durkheim, and a glossary of pertinent terms are available. Much content at the site is informed by Steven Lukes' Durkheim: His Life and Work: A Historical and Critical Study.