The Peabody Essex Museum (PEM), founded in 1799, America's oldest continuously operating museum, has a new building and a new website. The PEM site has all the features virtual visitors have come to expect at a museum site: attractive design with lots pictures, links to library and archival resources, information on current and future exhibitions, and "microsites" featuring highlights of past exhibitions, such as eight examples from _Painted with Thread: The Art of American Embroidery_, shown in 2001. What makes the PEM site a little different is ARTScape, a multimedia tool to help users research PEM collections. Registered users of ARTscape can retrieve and view digital images of works and associated records and then save their selections as bookmarks. In addition, ARTscape allows users to explore the connections between various artifacts, such as the fact that two pieces of embroidery were both published in the same book or created in the same town in Massachusetts, and that there is a writing desk with a painting by the seamstress' sister also at the museum.