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Electricity From Waste

For most of us, what leaves our bodies in terms of waste holds no desirable potential return. But, NASA scientists are finding that waste may not need to be wasted whatsoever. In fact, they are finding that with the help of a relatively newly-discovered bacterium, human waste may be used to generate electricity. The first site, from NASA, provides a very detailed release of the story regarding generating electricity from waste and use of _Geobacter_ microbes to help pull it all off (1). The second site, from the Washington Times (2) also provides a good summary of the story. Next, is a link to (3), which provides an exceptionally comprehensive look at the news surrounding fuel cells and related technology and research. Fourth is the link to the NASA-sponsored scientist's, Dr. Bruce Rittman, homepage at Northwestern University (4 ). The fifth site leads to story by National Geographic which highlights the discovery of _Geobacter_ (5). The final link (6) leads to the University of Massachusetts _Geobacter_ Project page.
Alternate Title Waste Not, NASA-supported Researchers are Working to Develop a Fuel Cell that Can Extract Electricity from Human WasteThe Washington Times: NASA Developing Cells Fueled by SewageFuel Cell TodayDr. Bruce Rittmann: Professor of Environmental Engineering at Northwestern UniversityNational Geographic: Rust-Breathing Bacteria: Miracle Microbes?University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Geobacter Project
Date of Scout Publication
March 21st, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
May 20th, 2004 at 2:49pm
Date Of Record Release
July 26th, 2004 at 2:06pm
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