Librarians, teachers, and children's book aficionados will find a wealth of free resources at the Children's Literature website, as well as information about the Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD), available by subscription only. (Visitors to the web site can sign up for a free trial of the database). One of the key features of the site is the Themed Reviews, that make it easy to get a list of best books on a subject. In this section, choose from almost 60 topics such as Remembering September 11th, 2001, Dinosaurs, Gardening, TV Turn Off Week, or Space Exploration. Most topics include a short introduction, for example, Flight and the Wright Brothers begins with a bit of biography on the Wrights. This is followed by short, signed reviews (reviewers' credentials are also provided), often with cover images, and age recommendations. There is biographical information about authors and illustrators (often links to publisher pages), as well as teaching guides and lesson plans, and events and upcoming conferences.