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A number of media commentators have been complaining lately about the lack of ideological viewpoints within the vast sea of radio programming, something that has not been lost on the people at OneWorldRadio. Funded by the Department for International Development, OneWorld Radio is part of an international network of over 1200 partner organizations that are utilizing the internet "to promote human rights and sustainable development worldwide." With online audio content from member organizations (such as radio stations) available in French, Spanish, and a number of other languages, visitors can listen or download any one of hundreds of programs archived here. Additionally, visitors can elect to search their impressive archive by language, region, or topic. Persons interested in the use of radio for development and human rights will want to examine the news and events section as it contains important updates about events dealing with conferences on media freedom throughout the world and links to important radio broadcasts of note. Finally, visitors (and all who sign up for the free membership) can elect to receive the helpful OneWorldRadio e-newsletter.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
April 2nd, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
April 2nd, 2004 at 11:24am
Date Of Record Release
April 2nd, 2004 at 11:24am
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