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The Tibetan & Himalayan Digital Library (THDL)

As stated on the home page, "The Tibetan & Himalayan Digital Library is an international community using Web-based technologies to integrate diverse knowledge about Tibet and the Himalayas for free access from around the world." In other words, visitors to THDL can expect more than an image database and digital documents, although these materials are present. The Guide to Resources, accessed by choosing the First Time Visitors link, provides an overview of THDL resources grouped into broad categories (that appear as images on the homepage) including: Collections, Reference, Community, Education, and Tools. Collections are further organized by format, such as audio, video, or GIS-technology based materials including a gazetteer and maps of Tibet, Asia, Lhasa and Sera. There are multimedia collections based on the work of a particular individual, such as Frederick Williamson, a British political officer who took about 1700 photographs of Tibet in the 1930s. Also included are thematic collections such as Architecture, Art, Literature, History; Interactive maps and models, such as a 3D interactive model of Meru Nyingba Monastery (Lhasa, Tibet); and electronic journals. There are a number of resources to assist with Tibetan languages, such as translators and dictionaries, and digital tools for displaying fonts, and the Community section provides discussion forums, email lists, Blogs, and links to associations and individuals of interest.
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