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The Wars for Viet Nam: 1945-1975

This site was developed around the course materials for a seminar at Vassar College taught by Professor Robert Brigham, the first American scholar given access to the Vietnamese archives on the war in Hanoi. The site is divided into three areas: an overview of the war, original documents, and links. The overview outlines the political and military progress of the conflict in Vietnam from 1954 to 1975. This feature is both useful and interesting because of the photos and links to original documents, including speeches by American Presidents, US government memoranda, and the gem of the site: Vietnamese papers translated by Brigham. These can also be accessed directly through the documents area. The links section contains over fifty sites relating to the wars and to Viet Nam today. Selections include archives, image galleries, US veterans' experiences, Vietnamese culture, and travel to Viet Nam. Overall, this site is a worthwhile starting point for those interested in the Viet Nam wars, distinguished by Brigham's original translations and a well-constructed selection of links.
Alternate Title
The Wars for Vietnam: 1945-1975
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date Issued
Date of Scout Publication
July 4th, 1997
Date Of Record Creation
April 3rd, 2003 at 3:44pm
Date Of Record Release
April 3rd, 2003 at 3:44pm
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