Sponsored by the Foresight Institute (a non-profit educational organization), the Nanodot site is designed to disseminate news and ongoing developments in the field of molecular nanotechnology. (For those unfamiliar with the rapidly growing field of nanotechnology, it is now considered one of the most important scientific developments of the 21st century, and at its essence is a process which allows for the manipulation of atoms, thereby allowing for highly sophisticated processes to be carried out.) Needless to say, this is an immensely important development, and at this site, visitors can read about the latest from this fascinating field. Additionally, visitors may elect to post comments, take polls on aspects of nanotechnology, and learn about related events and conferences. Perhaps the most helpful part of this website is the vast amount of material dedicated to explaining in detail about the very field of nanotechnology. Here visitors can read works that introduce the core concepts of molecular technology and read the complete text of a book on the subject titled Unbounding the Future.