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Economics Policy Institute

Founded in 1986, the Economics Policy Institute (EPI) was established to "broaden the discussion about economic policy to include the interests of low- and middle-income workers." In keeping with that particular view, the Institute places a premium on real world analysis and a concern for the living standards of working people. The EPI site serves a clearinghouse for much of its research findings, along with some fine web-only features, such as profiles of economic indicators, the Quarterly Wage and Employment Series (which analyzes wage and employment trends), and a number of online supplemental tables. Much of the material on the site falls into one of the broad themes with which the EPI is primarily concerned -- such as trade and globalization, education, and living standards and labor markets. Finally, the site also contains an audio archive of events and discussions sponsored by the EPI dating back to August 1999, including programs on globalization and most recently, the ongoing debate surrounding the proposed privatization of Amtrak.
Scout Publication
Data Type
Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
December 19th, 2003
Date Of Record Creation
December 18th, 2003 at 3:20pm
Date Of Record Release
May 30th, 2013 at 10:56am
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