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The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Although Radcliff, the women's college affiliated with Harvard for over a century, ceased to formally exist in 1999, it became the highly regarded Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Headed by the noted historian Drew Gilpin Faust, the mission of the Institute is "to create an academic community where individuals can pursue advanced work in academic disciplines, professions, or creative arts." At the institute's homepage, visitors can learn about the fellowship opportunities available at Radcliffe, along with reading about various research programs and upcoming events, such as lectures and conferences. Perhaps one of the best features of the site are the various archived audio and video recordings of speeches and conferences that have taken place at Radcliffe in recent years. For example, visitors can view the proceedings of a recent national conference on lethal school violence or watch and listen to the novelist Zadie Smith speak on "the morality of the novel."
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