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Tea: Health Benefits

With a list of health benefits that seems to grow longer by the day, tea may be the closest thing we have to the Elixir of Life in a cup. The following Web sites cover some of the latest research on the health benefits of tea, starting with a short article from the Canadian Broadcasting Company about the antioxidants found in tea (1). The second Web site is an article from the USDA's Agricultural Research Service magazine, offering a summary of tea-related research projects at the agency ((2). Findings so far indicate tea helps burn more calories, lower blood cholesterol, and enhance insulin activity. Likewise, nutrition researchers as Tufts University have found that green tea may help protect against heart disease and cancer (3). The next two Web sites contain recent articles from, the first relating how a cream made from tea could help fight skin cancer (4), the second about how tea can help fight bad breath (5). While we've known for some time that tea contains antioxidants, scientists have recently discovered other chemicals in tea that shut down a molecule that plays a key role in the development of cancer. The BBC News Web site has the story (6). Back to antioxidants, the next Web site contains an article from the Australian Broadcasting Web site that describes how antioxidants may help protect brain cells from alcohol damage (7). And just for fun, check out how astronauts get their daily dose of tea in the last Web site, courtesy of Science@NASA (8).
Date of Scout Publication
October 17th, 2003
Date Of Record Creation
October 17th, 2003 at 9:38am
Date Of Record Release
October 17th, 2003 at 9:38am
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