Two years after the tragic events of 9/11, many people around the US and the world attended a number of memorial services dedicated to the lives of those who passed away on that horrible day. Along with the services held in New York and Washington, DC, numerous college campuses paid homage to the deceased in a number of ways. On the campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the school's austere carillon tower bells chimed at 10:30 AM for several minutes, and a blood drive was planned with the cooperation of the American Red Cross. At Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA, the Hillel Foundation for Jewish Campus Life and several Greek organizations sponsored a Mitzvah Marathon, where members of the university community received a photograph of one of the victims, and each participant was told to carry out a mitzvah (or good deed), with the intent to "get rid of darkness by adding a little light to our lives." A number of schools featured similar programs, with many of them opting out of the more elaborate memorial services that were common last September, and electing instead to allow students to choose to reflect in their own fashion.
The first link leads to a news story about the events held to commemorate 9/11 on the campus of the University of Wisconsin from one of their student newspapers, the Daily Cardinal. The second link leads to an article from the PSU Digital Collegian that talks about the service activities that were an integral part of the remembrances on their campus in State College, PA. The third link leads to a news piece from the Yale Daily News that highlights the candlelight vigil, readings, and performances that were held this past Thursday. The fourth link leads to an article from the UCLA Daily Bruin that features comments from students about their reactions and feelings about the recent anniversary of the events of 9/11. The fifth link is to a special Web page developed by Education World that contains a number of resources for helping teachers talk with young people about coping with crisis and tragedy. The final link leads to a 10-page document developed by the National Institute of Mental Health that explicates what is known about the impact of violence and disasters on children and adolescents, and also suggests steps to minimize long-term emotional harm.