The first site related to stormwater is provided by the Environmental Protection Agency. (1 ). Called Storm Water, this informative site provides a wide array of information and resources for citizens and professionals including a general description of the problems of stormwater, program information on protecting water resources from stormwater, and much more. The second site,Stormie's Clean Water Tips Fact Sheets(2 ) is made available by the University of Wisconsin-Extension office. Here, visitors will find PDF documents with titles such as Storm Drain Stenciling, Car Care for Cleaner Water, Cleaning Up Stormwater Runoff, and Storm Sewers-The Rivers Beneath Our feet. Each of these well written publications contains easily understandable and fun graphics making it perfect for kids or adults. The next site, Stormwater, the Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals (3 ) provides online access to current and past publications as well as information on free subscriptions, and more. The Urban Water Resources Research Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers offers the next site: The National Stormwater Best Management Practices Database (4 ). The searchable database provides "access to Best Management Practices (BMP) performance data in a standardized format for over 190 BMP studies conducted over the past fifteen years." The fifth site related to stormwater is from the City of Sacramento Stormwater Management Program's Web site called the Stormwater Model Display (5 ). The Stormwater Model is an educational exhibit that helps demonstrate the sources of stormwater pollution. The interactive online version allows students to view and read about how things, such as construction, car washing, and illegal dumping, adversely affect waterways. The next site is another educational site on stormwater called Stormwater Quality Lesson Plans (6 ). Provided by the Stormwater Coalition, the twenty well-written lessons have titles such as Analyzing Storm Water Issues and Designing a Community with Stormwater in Mind. The Center for Watershed Protection maintains the next site called Stormwater Manager's Resource Center(7 ). The site provides information on almost any topic in stormwater or urban watershed management through an extensive reference library and 150 articles on watershed protection. The last site related to stormwater is a collection of Surface Water Modeling Links (8 ) compiled by hydrologist Dr. Richard B. Winston. Dozens of helpful sites are offered, including the USGS surface-water quality and flow modeling interest group, object watershed link simulation, TR - 55: urban hydrology for small watersheds, and hydrologic unit modeling for the United States (HUMUS). Updated regularly, the site provides helpful and quality information for water resource professionals and others interested in the subject.