Developed by the American Federation for Aging Research (with an educational grant from Pifzer), "delivers the latest research-based information on a wide range of age-related diseases, conditions, issues, features, and news." A good place to start for first-time visitors, the news center featured on the site is a frequently updated collection of links to news articles from a number of reputable sources dealing with Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other germane topics. The Ask the Expert section contains long-form answers to a host of questions dealing with caloric intake, memory loss, prostate cancer, and alcohol usage from medical experts and researchers. Along with these areas, two sections (Biology of Aging and Healthy Aging) offer suggestions on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the life cycle. Finally, users can utilize a search engine to hone in on specific areas, along with a online Web form that allows individuals the ability to subscribe (at no cost) to receive print versions of upcoming health newsletters. [KMG]