Around for close to two hundred years in one form or another, musicals are much loved by many professional and amateur companies who tread the boards. Authored and maintained by John Kenrick, an expert on musical theater history (and a personal assistant to six Tony-winning producers), the site contains close to 900 Web pages of information about the history, development, and current traditions of musical theater. Persons seeking basic information about the history of the art form will want to read the essay "What is a Musical?" Each historical section is divided into smaller sub-sections, so users can move to each section quickly. One of the best sections on the site is devoted to Mr. Kenrick's reviews of cast recordings, current and past productions, and those recordings that should be avoided. Finally, Mr. Kenrick also offers brief "courses" online dealing with some of the great names of musical theater, such as George M. Cohan and Ethel Merman.