The Bishop Museum in Hawaii was founded in 1889 by Charles Reed Bishop to honor his late wife, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the last descendant of the royal Kamehameha family. Over the past century, the museum has expanded several times to adequately house and display their extensive collection of Hawaiian artifacts, primary documents, and photographs. Most recently, the curators at the museum have created an online exhibit containing 400 objects from their ethnology collection that includes more than 70,000 objects. The objects are divided into nine different classifications, such as hula drums, surfboards, pounders, and barkcloth. Clicking on each object brings up a number of photographs of different items within each group, along with a brief section that explains the importance and daily use of each item. For scholars hoping to locate specific objects, the entire 70,000 piece collection can be searched by object type, material, region of origin, island, or collection theme.