The Canadian Government Online web site provides information of all kinds about Canada and its institutions. A government overview offers information about "key institutions" such as parliament, the ministry and Prime Minister, the Supreme Court, and Auditor General. Also included is information about Canadian symbols such as the name Canada and the flags, and maps, and fact sheets. However, the real power of the site (much like the White House site in the U.S.) is its exhaustive links to Canadian Federal Institutions, arranged alphabetically, from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to Yukon Water Board. Over one hundred connections are provided, including the Canadian War Museum, Canadian Wheat Board, Elections Canada, National Film Board, and National Archives. Under the "other governments" menu, there are pointers to all provincial and territorial pages, as well as an intergovernmental online information kiosk, with pointers to federal, provincial, and municipal pages. This is a very thorough, as well as beautifully designed gateway to Canadian information. The site is completely searchable. Both English and French sites are accessible from the home page.