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The James Fenimore Cooper Society

This Website is devoted to "encouraging the enjoyment of Cooper's 32 novels, appreciation of his ideas, and providing useful information to students, scholars, and readers." And the site does not disappoint, standing as one of the most comprehensive single-author Websites we've seen. It provides copious text by and about Cooper, including online copies of little-known Cooper texts -- mostly articles and short stories; links to texts of his novels; a browseable/searchable hypertext bibliography of hundreds of scholarly articles and papers devoted to Cooper available online; reference documents providing historical context to Cooper's work; an annotated bibliography of Cooper criticism in print; an annotated list of quality links; materials relating to Susan Fenimore Cooper (a nature writer in her own right whose work influenced her husband); a picture gallery promising to contain images of Cooper, his manuscripts, and the landscapes about which he wrote (currently this contains about a dozen pictures from the 1911 filming of The Deerslayer); and considerably more. Created and maintained by scholars, relatives of Cooper himself, and devoted amateurs, the site's adoration of its subject does not prevent it from also presenting a few of the fine send-ups of Cooper's prose style penned by other authors, including Thackeray's "The Stars and Stripes," a parody of Cooper's style originally published in Punch. The site is still under construction, and visitors can look forward to plentiful additions in the months to come. The authors of the site also promise to answer any questions sent to them relating to Cooper; click on "Ask Fenimore" on the homepage.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Date of Scout Publication
November 28th, 2000
Date Of Record Creation
April 9th, 2003 at 12:45pm
Date Of Record Release
April 9th, 2003 at 12:45pm
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