The Distributed Active Archive Center is provided by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA). This stupendous resource is comprised of a plethora of pages (Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Dynamics, Field Experiments, Hydrology, Interdisciplinary, Land Biosphere, and Ocean Color) containing earth science data and information. Online FTP access is available for Atmospheric Chemistry & Upper Atmosphere, Global Biosphere, Atmospheric Dynamics, Field Experiments, Hydrology & Precipitation, and Interdisciplinary data. Registration (free) is required to gain online FTP access for these data. In addition, some datasets (Pathfinder AVHRR Land Data, Coastal Zone Color Scanner, Atmospheric Ozone, TOVS Pathfinder, 4-Dimensional Assimilation Data, and SeaWIFS) are or will soon be available in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF). Detailed data access information for this format is available at the site. The site also provides links to related resources and, in the Education section, links to learning resources for high school and college students.