Published this month by the Department of Justice, this report assesses the results of the "weed and seed" approach to crime prevention, monitored for the last eight years at eight selected area sites in the U.S.. "Weeding" is defined as "concentrated and enhanced law enforcement efforts to identify, arrest, and prosecute" criminals, especially violent offenders and drug traffickers. The cited objective is the removal of criminals from the targeted area. "Seeding" involves community efforts to deter further crime by offering a variety of human services, including afterschool, weekend, and summer youth activities; adult literacy classes; parental counseling; and neighborhood revitalization. The report offers cross-site analysis and finds that the most effective results were achieved in sites of smaller geographical area with more community resources to bring to bear. The report concludes that "in selecting sites for new program funding, Weed and Seed should place its funding priority on sites with geographically small target areas and with favorable community settings and program designs."