Created by the Cultural Coalition (which includes seven statewide organizations, including the Wisconsin Humanities Council), the Portal Wisconsin site is designed to "serve as a gateway to the rich content of the Cultural Coalition partner organizations, as well as other cultural entities throughout the state." To that end, visitors to the site will find out about the wealth of cultural endeavors throughout Wisconsin, including visual arts, music, culture, and theater. Their homepage features a daily calendar of cultural events going on around the state, a helpful search engine, and links to the seven institutions that comprise the Cultural Coalition. One of the site's highlights is the ability to browse various thematically organized interest areas for event calendars, related links, and galleries. One of these galleries includes works by local artists, organized by medium, such as graphic art, ceramics, and textiles. The digital media section of the site is well organized, and visitors can take virtual tours of sculpture gardens around the state and listen to local poets read their work. Finally, visitors can join in discussion forums and look for job and volunteer opportunities.