With 181 member nations, Interpol is the second largest international organization after the United Nations. Almost 80 years old, the organization is probably one of the most well-regarded crime fighting organizations in the world. While most of its current work is largely related broadly to public safety and terrorism, its mission is to "promote international police cooperation and work together to solve crime." The organization works primarily in four languages (English, French, Spanish, and Arabic), and in the year 2001, aided in the arrest of approximately 1400 people worldwide. Their Web site contains detailed information of their different programs of interest, which include financial crimes, information technology crime, drug trafficking, and football hooliganism. Of greatest interest to most visitor will be the information on the organization's publications, which include press releases and fact sheets in several different languages. Persons looking for materials on international crime will want to look at the international crime statistics available here, along with the International Criminal Police Review, a publication of Interpol.