Developed by Alex Boese, a graduate student at the University of California at San Diego, this site is a compelling introduction to many of the most well-known (and a few that are often overlooked) hoaxes from the year 750 to the present. First time visitors will want to visit some of the introductory materials included here, such as "What is a hoax?"; "Origin of the Word 'Hoax'"; and "Hoaxology," which contains a sampling of literary references to the word hoax. The Main Gallery contains a chronological listing of numerous hoaxes (divided into periods), including the Piltdown Man; the Cardiff Giant; and the interesting story of Charles LeRaye, who claimed to have traveled into the Upper Missouri and Yellowstone regions several years before Lewis and Clark. For a bit of a diversion, the site also allows visitors to test their knowledge of potentially doctored photographs.