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The Buckminster Fuller Institute

Presaging the movements of political ecology, "smart growth", sustainable development and other trends of the past three decades, R. Buckminster Fuller remains one of the most misunderstood Renaissance individuals of the 20the century. Today, Mr. Fuller is most well known for inventing the geodesic dome, which he hoped would become a model for low-cost housing across the world. Over his life, Mr. Fuller was awarded 47 honorary doctorates, wrote 28 books, and was the recipient of numerous architectural and design awards. As such, it is fitting that this Web site features a great deal of his work, including many of his statements on his conception of "design science," and not surprisingly a great deal of information on the geodesic dome and its uses. Other helpful material on the site includes numerous publications from the Institute, such as their newsletter and environmental news. Overall, a fascinating site that documents the life of Mr. Fuller and the Institute dedicated to keeping his philosophy and principles alive and meaningful.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
November 15th, 2002
Date Of Record Creation
April 8th, 2003 at 10:10am
Date Of Record Release
April 8th, 2003 at 10:10am
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