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The Grand Canyon

The first site from, called Lost in the Canyon (1), offers an excellent online learning experience. Visitors learn about John Wesley Powell's expedition down the Colorado River, covered in transcripts from the companion television show and a timeline of Powell's life. Other features include an interactive lesson on running rapids and a look at the unique geologic history of the area. Next, from StudyWorks! Online comes the lesson entitled Sleuthing at the Grand Canyon: Using Rocks to Tell Us About the Past (2). Through basic descriptions, photographs, and illustrations, students learn how rocks form, how scientists use them to find out about past environments, and much more. The third site is provided by the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center called The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Fiscal Year 2000-2004 Monitoring and Research Strategic Plan (3). Readers will discover the mission of the center, history of monitoring in the area, management strategies, research activities, and much more. Next is a site offered by Richard S. Naylor of Northeastern University's Department of Geology called Unconformities in the Grand Canyon (4). Visitors will find descriptions and photographs of several sites in the Grand Canyon that exhibit geologic unconformities or surfaces that represent a break in the geologic record. The fifth site is maintained by called the Geology of Grand Canyon (5). This site contains basic information on how the canyon was formed, where all the rock came from, why it looks like it does, and when it all happened. From NASA's Visible Earth Web site comes the 3-D View of Grand Canyon (6) page. The canyon can be viewed in a low or high resolution JPEG format, which shows the surrounding area, part of the Colorado river, and the canyon itself in dynamic colors. Part of Northern Arizona University, the seventh site is entitled Canyons, Culture, and Environmental Change: An Introduction to the Land Use History of the Colorado Plateau (7). The site provides an introduction to the environmental history of the Colorado Plateau and summarizes a vast body of research from multiple disciplines in an easily accessible format. The last site from NOAA's Colorado River Basin Forecast Center is the River Forecasts and Data page (8). Provided are data from various sites along the river that offer a wide range of relevant information such as simulated hydrographs.
Date Issued
Date of Scout Publication
September 6th, 2002
Date Of Record Creation
April 8th, 2003 at 9:34am
Date Of Record Release
April 8th, 2003 at 9:34am
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