Borrowing a good idea from PictureAustralia (last mentioned in the
December 1, 2000 Scout Report), Images Canada provides a central point to start a cross-collection search through more than 75,000 images held by participating Canadian museums, archives, and libraries. Like PictureAustralia, there are three ways to search: by keyword (simply enter terms in a box), advanced (limit terms to specific fields), and Trails, ("pre-selected searches on a particular topic or theme"). Currently, the main trails are The Great Canadian Outdoors -- the path to fishing, hunting, and wild life -- and From Sea to Sea to Sea -- exploring Canada's geography by plane, train, and automobile. There are also several photo essays written by archivists and curators, highlighting collection items on subjects such as J.B. Tyrrell (1858-1957), an explorer, geologist, mining consultant and historian; and "Celebrating Dominion Day 1867-1917" (now known as Canada Day). To find out more about the types of pictures available via Images Canada, select About and go to the Partners page for descriptions of the collections of the eight participating cultural institutions.