The Forma Urbis Romae, also known as the Severan Marble Plan, is a giant marble map of ancient Rome measuring 60 feet wide by 45 feet high, dating to the reign of Septimius Severus (circa 200 AD). Unfortunately, the map has been broken into 1,186 fragmented pieces, and not all of the pieces still exist. Presently, engineers from the Department of Computer Science and archaeologists from the Department of Classics at Stanford University, along with the Sovraintendenza of the City of Rome, are working diligently to piece the map back together. This site currently features a sample of 28 fragments from the map, with each entry containing digital color photographs and 3D models, a search box, a description of the fragment, an analysis of its significance, and a review of the scholarly literature. The full release of the database of all 1,186 known fragments is planned for 2003.