Dr. Ellen Voorhees, of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, has submitted an online copy of her keynote paper for the Music Information Retrieval/Music Digital Library (MIR/MDL) evaluation workshop. This workshop presentation is a part of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (held in Portland, Oregon July 14-18), and discusses background information of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) and its possible use as a MIR/MDL evaluation model. More specifically, this seven-page paper "describes the processes used in the TREC evaluations to create information retrieval evaluation infrastructure, reviews assessments of how appropriate the evaluation methodology is for TREC tasks, and makes suggestions regarding the development of an MIR/MDL evaluation framework based on TREC experience." Available in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), this paper is primarily for those with a concentrated interest in MIR/MDL evaluation issues and a general interest in IR/DL evaluations.