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(4 classifications) (20 resources)

Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Middle school)

Activity programs. (6)
Audio-visual aids. (3)
Computer-assisted instruction. (2)
Evaluation. (3)


Multimedia Math Glossary

Harcourt School Publishers maintains this glossary of mathematics terms, with custom glossaries for each grade level from kindergarten to sixth grade. Students are not only provided with definitions but also pictures and animations that explain the meaning of the word. Some of the terms are not strictly related to mathematics; for example, units of measurement and measuring devices are also...
National Digital Learning Resources Network: Mathematics

Crafted by the National Digital Learning Resources Network, this site is designed to offer access to high-quality educational resources on a range of academic disciplines. This corner of the site offers dozens of mathematics resources from Number and Algebra to Measurement and Geometry. Each area contains resources designed to be used in the classroom, such as counting activities, discussion...
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics

A team at Utah State University has assembled this impressive collection of interactive, educational online Java applets. The tools are suited for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. There are five main categories of applications, consisting of numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. Each category has a number of applets that...
PBS Learning Media: Math at the Core: Middle School

From PBS Learning Media comes Math at the Core: Middle School, a collection of hundreds of free resources for math students in fifth through eighth grades. Most of these resources are short videos that explain a variety of mathematical concepts. Some videos are also accompanied by support materials, including lesson plans and worksheets. The collection also includes infographics, interactive...
Project Interactivate

Project Interactivate has student and teacher resources for nearly every topic in middle school mathematics. The goals of the project "are the creation, collection, evaluation, and dissemination of java-based courseware for middle school mathematics explorations." There are over 50 java activities for students, separated into concepts of numbers and operations, geometry and measurement, functions...
Show-Me Center

The Show-Me Center is a partnership of four NSF-sponsored middle grades mathematics curriculum development Satellite Centers (University of Wisconsin, Michigan State University, University of Montana, and the Educational Development Center). The group's website provides "information and resources needed to support selection and implementation of standards-based middle grades mathematics...
Show-Me Center

The Show-Me Center, located at the University of Missouri, is a math education project of the National Science Foundation. The center's Web site "provides information and resources needed to support selection and implementation of standards-based middle grades mathematic curricula." There are some sample lesson plans offered, but most of the material is solely for use by teachers. Five different...
The Freudenthal Institute

The Freudenthal Institute is part of Utrecht University in the Netherlands and conducts research on math education. The goals are "to understand and improve the teaching of arithmetic and mathematics at all levels, but particularly in kindergarten, primary, secondary and vocational education." The Freudenthal Institute has developed a theoretical approach known as Realistic Mathematics Education,...
The Math Worksheet Site

For people of a certain age, the phrase "math worksheet" may conjure images of pieces of paper with wet purple ink, freshly mimeographed. For others, they might just say: "What's a mimeograph?" Both groups will find things to like about this website, which brings together a number of math worksheets for general use. The site is maintained by Scott Bryce, and while some of the materials require a...
What Works Clearinghouse: Middle School Math Curricula

The What Works Clearninghouse was established by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences "to provide educators, policy-makers, researchers, and the public with a central and trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education." The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) has posted the results from its review of “interventions based on a curriculum, which contain...
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