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Technology Review: TR100/2003

This special report from the October 2003 issue of Technology Review highlights "100 innovators [age] 35 or younger whose technologies are poised to make a dramatic impact on our world." Each of the 100 honorees falls into one of four categories: computing, biotechnology and medicine, Internet, and nanotechnology. A brief bio of each innovator is provided along with the basis for his or her...
UCSB Nanotech

Nanotech is a nanofabrication facility located at the University of California, Santa Barbara. It offers expertise in "compound semiconductor-based device fabrication, encompassing the full range of processes including lithography, thin film deposition, and etching." The website describes the facility and lists some of the research projects involving fabrication that were performed there. Some of...
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory

Researchers at the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory address a range of topics, including photonics, microelectronics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. More specifically, the projects are divided into the following four areas: Optoelectronics and Photonic Systems, Microelectronics for Wireless Communications, Microelectromechanical Systems, and Nanobiosystems. The various projects within these...
When Things Get Small

What happens when things get small? And better yet, what does a bowl of peanuts the size of a sports stadium have in common with a shrinking elephant? You'll have to watch this engaging film created by the University of California at San Diego's (UCSD) "TV" project. The project brings together short films on all manner of subjects, and this fun and insightful look into nanoscience and its uses is...
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