The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology's (CRN) Wise-Nano project is "a collaborative website to study the facts and implications of advanced nanotechnology." The website is designed for researchers and intended to encourage collaboration worldwide and "to build an understanding of the technologies, their effects, and what to do about them." From this website, visitors can ask and answer...
This website from Mediatheque offers a variety of videos, developed by the European Commission, which are available to download free of charge for "EU-related information and education purposes." The Commission "embodies and upholds the general interest of the Union" and the videos address key issues for the political Community and public interest. The videos cover a variety of topics including...
This 86-page paper, published in October 2003, was written by the Director of Research at the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. He proposes "an architecture for combining large numbers of programmable mechanochemical fabricators into a manufacturing system, or nanofactory, capable of producing a wide range of human-scale products." Rather than calling for the development of entirely new...
The Foresight Institute is "a nonprofit educational organization formed to help prepare society for anticipated advanced technologies." They offer this comprehensive webpage on nanotechnology, addressing why nanotechnology might be important to you, and providing information for the General Reader, the Technical Reader and other resources on technical issues, jobs, education, policy issues,...
The Institute for Molecular Manufacturing (IMM) conducts and supports research on molecular systems engineering and molecular manufacturing (molecular nanotechnology, or MNT). The website provides information on the IMM research projects. Also posted here are IMM's "guidelines for research and development practices that will minimize risk from accidental misuse or from abuse of molecular...
The McLean nanophysics group at Queen's University is mostly interested in studying nano-architecture and inverse photoemissions. The website presents the latest activities and updates of the group. Almost eighty publications are listed at the site, with links to downloads for most of them. The students in the group have also posted many of their masters' theses and other publications. Users can...
The Space Nanotechnology Laboratory (SNL) at MIT conducts research on nanofabrication, nanometer-accuracy x-ray optics fabrication, assembly and metrology, ultra-high resolution lithography, nanometrology, and nano-accuracy diffraction grating fabrication. SNL's pride and joy is the world's most advanced grating patterning tool, the Nanoruler -- a ruler with "ticks" only a few hundred billionths...
Sponsored by the Foresight Institute (a non-profit educational organization), the Nanodot site is designed to disseminate news and ongoing developments in the field of molecular nanotechnology. (For those unfamiliar with the rapidly growing field of nanotechnology, it is now considered one of the most important scientific developments of the 21st century, and at its essence is a process which...
Nanotechnology continues to be a field of inquiry that is growing quickly, and this new online peer reviewed journal is a most welcome addition. The journal is published monthly as a collaborative venture between RSC Publishing and the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) in Beijing, China. Some of the topics covered in the journal include nanoelectronics, molecular nanoscience,...
With support from the National Science Foundation, the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) brings together researchers from Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Museum of Science in Boston with participation by Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), the University of Basel (Switzerland), the University...