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Science -- Earth science


Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys

The mission of the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys is "to determine the potential of Alaskan land for production of metals, minerals, fuels, and geothermal resources." The homepage features a "Headlines" area that includes mining reports, links to press releases, and a fascinating interactive map of quaternary faults and folds that will be of great interest to geologists....
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center: Publications

The United States Department of Agriculture's website has a special section devoted to alternative farming systems, which include ecological pest management, value-added enterprises, agritourism, renewable energy on the farm, and aquaculture. Visitors will find the publications section related to alternative farming system to be filled with resources on a multitude of subjects. "Sustainability...
Amazon Forests Depleting Rapidly

Does Brazil have to choose between economic growth and preserving the endangered Amazon? Deforestation patterns in the Amazon The causes of Deforestation are Complex New highways drive...
American Geological Institute: Educational Resources

Over the past few years, the American Geological Institute (AGI) has assembled a nice mix of resources for earth science educators, including promotional videos such as "Why Earth Science?" and a terrific world image bank. The image bank can be found at the "Earth Science World Image Bank" tab, and it contains over 6,000 images. Visitors can browse the images, or they can also type in keywords. ...
American Geosciences Institute Education: Earth Sciences

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has created a number of professional resources to educate persons young and old about geology and its many subfields. New users might do well to check out the Watt's Up? The Lowdown on Energy resource, designed to answer current questions such as how can we best locate and capture energy resources? Visitors can click on one of nine areas (including...
American Geosciences Institute: Curriculum Materials and Archives

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has produced high-quality educational materials for decades, and its website is a great resource for teachers working in the physical sciences. On the site, visitors can take advantage of collections created to support thematic textbooks or peruse online programs such as EarthInquiry. This particular resource contains a series of web-based and print...
American Indian Environmental Office Tribal Portal

Based within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) works to protect human health and the environment of federally recognized tribes by supporting implementation of federal environmental laws. The materials on the site are divided into different areas, including Consultation, Indian Policies, Maps & Data, and Tribal Calendar. Visitors will enjoy...
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

If you've ever wondered about the fields of limnology or oceanography, you need look no further than the homepage of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). On their site, visitors can learn about their professional activities, which include international symposia, conferences, and their scholarly journals. In their "About ASLO" area, visitors can learn about the discipline and...
Amidst global conflict and economic uncertainty, the Rio+20 meeting goes on

Rio Environment Meeting Focuses on 'Energy for All' Rio+20 Summit Overshadowed by Global Economy Major cities tackle climate change while Rio summit's outcome remains...
An Assessment of Volcanic Threat and Monitoring Capabilities in the United States: Framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System

"A National Volcano Early Warning System-NVEWS-is being formulated by the Consortium of U.S. Volcano Observatories (CUSVO) to establish a proactive, fully integrated, national-scale monitoring effort that ensures the most threatening volcanoes in the United States are properly monitored in advance of the onset of unrest and at levels commensurate with the threats posed." At this website, users can...
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