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Health -- Careers


The American Association of Immunologists

The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) works "to advance knowledge of immunology and related disciplines, to foster interchange of ideas and information among investigators in the various disciplines and to promote an understanding of the field of immunology." The AAI maintains a number of Training and Job Opportunity Lists on their website for Graduate Programs, Postdoctoral Fellowships,...
The American Nurses Association

From time to time, the Scout Report profiles a professional organization whose site will be of interest to a broad range of readers. While the American Nurses Association website does have some material that is strictly for members only, there is a significant amount of relevant and timely free content of note. The first place visitors might start is “The Nursing Insider”. This handy feature...
Women Physicians, 1850s-1970s

For many decades, women who sought to become doctors were turned away at many institutions. This was not the case at the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. Beginning in 1850 the school trained thousands of women physicians who would later go on to teach in a diverse set of countries across the world. The story of these women and this institution is told in great detail through a set of...
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