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Mathematics -- Computer network resources

Directories (8)
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Periodicals (1)
Study and teaching (8)


Multiplication Facts

This website "contains the techniques, tips, and secrets used by master teachers" of mathematics. Based on research, the authors argue that rote memory is one of the least effective ways of memorizing. They offer more effective strategies for teaching students the times tables and some strategies for helping with memorization, such as using rhyming words, pictures, stories and other activities....
OpenLearn: Mathematics and Statistics

The Open University had long been dedicated to the proposition of providing high-quality educational materials for persons all over Britain and the world. They were one of the first universities to place such materials online, and their OpenLearn website has received high marks from many quarters. This particular section of materials on their site is devoted to providing instructional units in...
Pi in the Sky

Published by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Pi in the Sky has the goals of "promoting mathematics, (...) increasing the involvement of high school students in mathematical activities, and promoting careers in mathematical sciences." Released online on roughly a biannual basis, the periodical can be freely downloaded from this site. The March 2003 issue contains articles about...
Platonic Realms

The Platonic Realms website is a project initiated by a small group of math and math education graduate students, led by B. Sidney Smith, at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The group's goal is "to provide high-quality mathematical content for secondary-school and college students that was free, motivational, and instructional." The introductory page features a historical note, a daily...
Teaching Channel

The tagline of Teaching Channel is "Great Teaching. Inspiring Classrooms." Educators from kindergarten to college will find hundreds of resources here, including fact sheets, lesson plans, videos, and blogs to help them in the classroom. First-time visitors will need to fill out a short free registration to get started. After this, users can click on left-hand side of the page to browse through...
The Abacus: Index

Parents often scoff at the powerful calculators their children use for math classes, noting that they had to learn with slide rules. A device that predates both tools, however, is the focus of this unique site. The abacus has roots in the fifth century B.C., and still sees limited use in various parts of the world. A very thorough overview is provided online, with interactive applets that teach...
The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) promotes a contest for anyone who can find the largest prime number. On November 17, 2003 Michael Shafer's computer, in conjunction with an international grid of 211,000 networked computers found the 40th known Mersenne prime, 220,996,011-1! In addition to articles about this new finding, the website provides a link that allows you to view all 6,320,430...
The Math Page

The material presented on this Web site is primarily suitable for high school and early college mathematics courses. It is divided into four massive sections that are devoted to basic arithmetic, trigonometry, precalculus, and an in-depth look at real numbers. Each section covers almost as many topics as a full course in the subject. The author clearly describes each concept and combines figures...
The Math Worksheet Site

For people of a certain age, the phrase "math worksheet" may conjure images of pieces of paper with wet purple ink, freshly mimeographed. For others, they might just say: "What's a mimeograph?" Both groups will find things to like about this website, which brings together a number of math worksheets for general use. The site is maintained by Scott Bryce, and while some of the materials require a...
The Mathematical Association of America: Innovative Teaching Exchange

The Mathematical Association of America has developed the Innovative Teaching Exchange in order to facilitate the exchange of interesting and compelling teaching resources from a wide range of educators. As their site indicates, "The intention is to encourage more experimentation with more methods than the traditional lecture/questions method." Currently, there are about a dozen articles available...
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