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Geography -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (4)
Audio-visual aids (1)
Computer network resources (6)
Evaluation (1)
United States (4)


National Geographic Explorer

The National Geographic Society has long been known for its flagship publication magazine, but they also have several other well-known public outreach programs such as their television programs. One such publication with a significant educational outreach program is the National Geographic Explorer magazine, which is geared for grades three through six. This particular website contains a host of...
National Geographic: Maps

Many people have fond memories of the special maps created as inserts placed in the National Geographic magazine from time to time. This rather special section of the National Geographic's website provides interested parties with a dazzling array of thematic maps that document the European exploration of North America, ecological zones, and the world of the poet Basho. Visitors might do well to...
Open Geography Education

Instructors and professors of geography and related disciplines will want to take advantage of the resources made available by Open Geography Education, a website "dedicated to providing free, open curriculum and resources to anybody who is interested in our geographic world." Part of the movement towards Open Education Resources (OER), the site makes peer-reviewed, Creative Commons-licensed...
Project GeoSim

Project GeoSim is a joint research project of the Departments of Computer Science and Geography at Virginia Tech. The site contains learning modules including Mental Maps, a geography quiz program; Sense of Place, which teaches about the characteristics of US counties and states; Human Population, a multimedia tutorial program; and others. Each contains a tutorial program to introduce terms and...
Resources for Geographers

Maintained by Lance Christian and Kenneth Foote of the University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Geography, the Resources for Geographers Web site is an excellent source of information on the Internet for geographers. Links are offered for search engines, online journals, professional associations, research organizations, map collections, geo-spatial datasets, newsgroups and listservers,...
Spatial Thinking in the Geosciences

Spatial thinking is critical to the analytical work of the geosciences. Navigating unfamiliar landscapes requires a keen understanding of the lay of the land, as does constructing a cross-section through deformed rocks. This set of thematic resources from the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College provides teaching activities, visualizations, and print and online references for...
TEACH Great Lakes

The TEACH Great Lakes Web site is provided by the Great Lakes Information Network (last mentioned in the September 15, 1995 Scout Report). The site features online lessons specific to Great Lakes subjects such as the environment, geography, and pollution. Students can begin with the Introduction to the Great Lakes module and then move on to learn about water levels, shoreline geology, water...
Test Your Geography Knowledge

Provided by Web site creator Lyndsey Mania and, the Test Your Geography Knowledge interactive quiz gives students a fun way to learn geography. Users choose a region of the world; click on the state, country, ocean, or other feature requested; and are told whether they’re right or wrong and their total score. A simple yet effective learning tool for kids.
The Columbia Gazetteer of North America

Provided by, the Columbia Gazetteer of North America is a collection of over 50,000 entries of places and features and is described as "far and away the most comprehensive encyclopedia of the geographical places and features of the region." Users can search the database by keyword and by region or browse the entire collection alphabetically. The entries contain brief descriptions,...
The Nations Report Card: Geography 2001

Released in June 2002, this 168-page report offers a comprehensive overview of the state of geography education in the 4th, 8th, and 12th grades across the United States. Administered by the National Center for Education Statistics in the US Department of Education, the report presents the results of the sample survey of student achievement in geography, along with comparing the results to the...
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