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(5 classifications) (25 resources)

Geography -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (4)
Audio-visual aids (1)
Computer network resources (6)
Evaluation (1)
United States (4)


American Geosciences Institute: Curriculum Materials and Archives

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has produced high-quality educational materials for decades, and its website is a great resource for teachers working in the physical sciences. On the site, visitors can take advantage of collections created to support thematic textbooks or peruse online programs such as EarthInquiry. This particular resource contains a series of web-based and print...
Countries A to Z

The free access portion of the Atlapedia Online site, Countries A to Z, provides an attractive political and physical map of each country of the world, including basic information such as its capital, system of government, population, geography, climate, religions, languages, currency, modern history, trading partners, exports, military, and more. Giving students of any age access to interesting...
Earth Science Teaching Plans and Classroom Activities

Teachers looking for materials to help out in the classroom will find this well-organized site most useful. Created by the folks at, the site's materials were compiled by Christy Pratt, and they are organized into nine thematic areas. These areas include "Volcanoes", "Water", "Weather", "Erosion", and "Plate Tectonics". The resources featured within each section are taken from...
EdCommunity ESRI

If you have an interest in the spatial sciences, you'll enjoy the EdCommunity website from Esri. The Education Maps and Data area contains several dozen interactive educational modules designed to teach people about geographic information systems (GIS) and a range of visualization tools. The Lesson Plans are another great find, including hundreds of lessons from "Analyzing Supermarket Access With...
Environmental Health Risk Assessment

It's always great to learn about an interesting new resource for teaching college students about environmental health, and this one is quite handy. Created as part of the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College, the Environmental Health Risk Assessment site helps instructors and students "locate and use some of the numerous health-related tools and databases that can be found on the...

With the recent announcement that American students are falling further and further behind in their knowledge of the world, the Geoexplorer site is truly a sight for sore eyes, especially to those attempting to impart geographical and geophysical knowledge to young minds. Alive with information of all sorts, Geoexplorer supports research and learning at all levels, with maps, images,...

The online interactive GeoGame activity is provided by The game is intended to have students learn geography terms, learn how to read and interpret maps, and increase awareness of geographical and cultural diversity. After registering for free, users get to choose games that contain international, United States, Canadian, or seasonal questions. The games, which aren't easy,...
Geography: Maps, Country Information, Quizzes

In 1984 the National Council for Geographic Education and the Association of American Geographers defined five themes of geography. What themes? Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Region. This site from, with its attractive layout and accessible articles, makes clear just how fascinating and complex the field of geography really is. Start with the newsfeed,...
Internet Geography

Created by teacher Anthony Bennett, the Internet Geography Web site seeks to be a center for shared geographical resources and knowledge. A wide range of information and teaching tools can be found here, including links to original works that describe general physical, environmental, human, and economic geography subjects. Special sections of the site are geared specifically for students and...
Maps That Teach: US and World Geography

Created by Owl and Mouse Educational Software, this resource uses interactive maps to teach geography. The site provides both Map Puzzles and Interactive Maps. Map Puzzles are downloadable and must be run on Windows. They challenge users to piece together the States of the United States or the countries of the world's continents, depending on the puzzle used. Interactive Maps allow users to move...
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