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8th Circuit Court of Appeals panel rules on right to privacy in bathroom

The Fourth Amendment, which grew directly out of the experiences of the American colonists during the 18th century, guarantees the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizure…” A number of prominent cases involving transgressions of this amendment have arisen over the past few years, including those dealing with the...
Bush Administration Decides to Enact Medical Privacy Rules

Yesterday Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy Thompson and the White House announced that the administration would enact a new federal rule that protects the privacy of medical information. Proposed in the waning days of the Clinton administration, the rule grants patients full access to their own medical records and requires health care providers to obtain permission before disclosing...
Cyber-Rights Mailing List

CYBER-RIGHTS - Campaign for Cyber Rights Cyberspace is the "coordination headquarters" for the global Cyber Rights campaign being conducted by CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.) CPSR is a highly respected public service organization that has an effective track record in influencing legislation and regulation. CPSR contributed to the exposure of the fallacies behind the...
Deeplinks: Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has crafted this great resource for people interested in the world of online rights and privacy matters. A quick glance through the site will reveal a range of key commentaries on issues of copyright, moral privacy rights, and government intervention. Visitors can scroll through recent posts and then look over some of their additional projects, which...
Do Plagiarism-Detection Services Infringe Upon Students' Copyrights and Privacy?

There is a huge debate brewing between some lawyers and college professors over whether or not plagiarism-detection services infringe upon students' copyrights and privacy. The one particular service creating this uproar is, a plagiarism-detection service that has approximately 400 colleges in the United States on its client list. The company checks submitted papers against a database...
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Started in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an organization that is dedicated to preserving the various freedoms and rights within the digital "frontier", which includes blogs, online intellectual property, and so on. On their homepage, visitors can learn about news items of particular relevance, and also read about some of the cases they are currently working on. For those who...
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Biometrics

Since September 11, 2001 the U.S. government has been actively searching for ways to improve surveillance at airports and U.S. borders. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is concerned that biometric technologies are being promoted as the silver bullet when very little independent, objective scientific testing of biometrics has been done. This evolving website discusses what is known and raises...
Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age

What does privacy mean in a digital age? Is there any effective and proven way for governments, businesses, and individuals to safeguard their stores of information? These are important and timely questions, and they are but a few of those addressed in this recent release from The National Academies Press. This volume was edited by James Waldo, Herbert S. Lin, and Lynnette I. Millett, and it...
IDcide Privacy Companion

This new free plug-in for IE 4.0 and 5.0 (Netscape and other versions are under development) helps users reclaim some of their privacy with easy-to-use icons in their browser that let them know when they are being "watched" by tracking networks and enable them to block the cookies these networks use. Importantly, IDcide distinguishes between local cookies that users may wish to allow, and network...
Privacy Foundation

The Privacy Foundation conducts "research into communications technologies and services that may pose a threat to personal privacy." Its Web site has a large amount of information to raise awareness of privacy related issues and help the public understand them. For people wanting to learn some basic terminology in digital privacy, a glossary describes things like firewalls and cookies. There are...
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