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United States -- Emigration and immigration

Government policy. (5)
History (22)
Social aspects (15)
Statistics (4)


Oral Histories: Emergency Refugee Shelter at Fort Ontario (Safe Haven)

In August 1944, almost one thousand refugees from Europe were moved to an internment camp at Fort Ontario in New York to await the outcome of World War II. Their time in Oswego was an emotional one, and they were finally given their total freedom in January 1946 when the war refugee center released them. Decades later, Professor Lawrence Baron of St. Lawrence University interviewed a number of...
Pueblo, USA: How Latino Immigration is Changing America

Latino immigration continues to transform the United States in many ways, and it isn't just in the Southwest or California that these changes are occurring. Siler City, North Carolina and Minneapolis, Minnesota are just two of the seemingly unlikely places where one can glimpse this transformation to the American landscape. This offering from the American RadioWorks organization takes a heartfelt...
Report reveals immigrants coming to live in a wider range of locales throughout the United States

Area immigrants top 1 million More foreign-born calling Indy home NPR: Pennsylvania Town Takes Stand Against Immigrants [Real Player] Census...
Students through the West and Southwest continue to protest proposed immigration policy

Day two of protests turn violent at Pajaro Valley High Tarrant students take to the streets Students protest immigration bill Students see immigration issue as attack on...
The Cuban Rafter Phenomenon: A Unique Sea Exodus

Drawing on the talents of three local scholars in and around Miami, this interactive and informative website offers an unique perspective into the experience of the thousands of citizens who left Cuba in small boats, homemade rafts and other such crafts during the raft crisis of 1994. The broader theme of the site is the general post-1959 migration of Cubans to America, which has been the subject...
The New Americans

In recent years PBS has teamed up the production company Independent Lens to produce a number of documentary programs, many of which have received great acclaim and praise from viewers and television critics alike. One of their latest creations, The New Americans, is just such a program, and this website is designed to complement the ongoing series which was recently shown on PBS for the first...
The Rise of New Immigrant Gateways

Many urban areas in the United States continue to add population to their respective locales by serving as gateway communities for the millions of immigrants who come to live in the country every year. This recent report published by the Brookings Institution, and authored by Audrey Singer, demonstrates a rather intriguing pattern by which certain cities (such as Chicago and San Francisco) have...
Virginia Emigrants to Liberia

With the assistance of the American Colonization Society from 1820-1865, 3,700 hundred free blacks emigrated from Virginia, to Liberia to establish the first African Republic. This well-researched gem of a website from the University of Virginia provides an interesting look into the lives of the emigrants as well as a glimpse into the identities of the emancipators who freed their slaves in order...
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