Created in the aftermath of an unfortunate and tragic death of a young woman on an university campus in 1986, the mission of the Security on Campus organization is "to educate prospective students, parents and the campus community about the prevalence of crime on our nation's college and university campuses." From their homepage, individuals can obtain information about crime statistics on over...
This joint US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics report analyzes two School Crime Supplements to the National Crime Victimization Survey. This unique report presents school crime from the perspective of its victims. Sections of the report deal with school victimization by gender and age, drug availability, and street gangs and guns at...
The Department of Justice has recently released data on the correlations between violent victimization and race. Violent Victimization and Race, 1993-98 "presents incidence estimates and per capita rates of violent victimization of whites, blacks, American Indians and Asians in 1998, and includes victimization trends, 1993-98." According to the report, the rate of violent victimization of whites...