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Victims of crimes -- United States -- Statistics


Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide Trends in the US

This site from the Bureau of Justice Statistics provides a series of data charts that describe homicide patterns and trends in the United States since 1976. Coverage includes statistics on demographic trends by age, gender, and race; infanticide and eldercide; homicide of intimates and law enforcement officials; and trends by region, weapons, and urban population. Overview sections provide...
Crime Drops for Eighth Straight Year

In October 2000, the FBI issued its annual report on crime, a 422-page tome, which shows crime down in the United States for the eighth straight year. The report found a total of 11.6 million criminal offenses in 1999, or 4,267 crimes per 100,000 people, a 7.6 percent decrease and the largest drop in a single year in the last two decades. The nation's murder total of 15,533 victims represented an...
Criminal Victimization 1997: Changes 1996-97 with Trends 1993-97

This new report from the US Department of Justice (USDOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that violent and property crimes have fallen to their lowest levels since the Crime Victimization Survey was begun in 1973. Violent crime rates in 1997 were 21% lower than in 1993, while property crime fell 22% from the same year and over 50% from 1973. Some analysts have suggested that the large...
Criminal Victimization 1998: Changes 1997-98 with Trends 1993-98

This new report from the US Department of Justice (USDOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that violent and property crimes have again fallen to their lowest rates since the survey began in 1973. The drop in violent crime continues a downward trend that began in 1994, although rape and sexual assault showed no decline from 1997 to 1998. The biggest drop in property crime was motor vehicle...
Criminal Victimization 1999: Changes 1998-99 with Trends from 1993-99

Last week, the Department of Justice's Bureau of Statistics released its annual report on criminal victimization. "This report presents 1999 criminal victimization levels and rates from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)." Data on victim characteristics, victim-offender relationships, use of weapons, and trends in victimization rates from 1993 to 1999 are also included. According to...
Indicators of School Crime and Safety 1998

Released on October 13, 1998, this report is the first in an annual series on school crime and safety from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). It offers data on different aspects of school crime and safety and describes victim characteristics. The report consists of five sections: Nonfatal Student Victimization--Student Reports; Violence and...
Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 1999

On September 28, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) released a major report. This report analyzes national data from several sources on crimes committed in schools and to and from schools. In addition, "data for crime away from school are also presented to place school crime in the context of crime in the larger society." According to the NCES, this report represents the most...
Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2000

The annual report from the National Center for Education Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics presents data on crime in schools and aggregates information from a variety of sources: the National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-98); the School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey (1989, 1995, and 1999); the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (1993, 1995, and 1997); and...
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2001

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) last week released their annual report Indicators of School Crime and Safety (last discussed in the November 3, 2000 Scout Report). The text, which draws from a variety of sources including the National Crime Victimization Survey and School Crime Supplement, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and the School and Staffing Survey, presents data on...
Intimate Partner Violence

Released earlier this summer, this report on intimate partner violence from the Bureau of Justice Statistics "provides information on violence by intimates (current or former spouses, girlfriends, or boyfriends) since the redesign of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)." "The report covers trends in intimate violence, characteristics of victims (race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, and...
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