The relationship between the Netherlands and Australia is a rather interesting one, and this was especially true during late 1941, after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. While Japan did not include the Dutch colony of the Netherlands East Indies (contemporary Indonesia) in these opening attacks, Allied planners knew that they would be interested in this area for the wide range of natural resources...
Tourism official proposes elephant ban at Angkor
APSARA [Macromedia Flash Player]
Is Angkor Wat too touristy?,,18409-2363554,00.html
Great Buildings Online: Angkor Wat
Interactive Map of World...
Since the events of September 11, 2001, Americans have done a great deal of soul-searching about what the future role the United States will play in international affairs. In many ways, any response to such an inquiry will contain many different layers and ideas. In April 2007, PBS began their investigations into this complex area by showing the first episode of "America at a Crossroads". Through...
The website for America Abroad Media (AAM) was started in 2002, and the organization is committed to a philosophy of independent journalism. It is broadcast on National Public Radio in the U.S., and on NPR Worldwide in 145 countries. In the "About AAM" section, their mission states, "America Abroad is the only public radio program that devotes an hour to a single issue-providing historical context...
The Panama Canal was quite an undertaking of labor and engineering, and by the time it was completed on August 15th, 1914 the project had been underway (in some form) for well over two decades. Along the way, over 55,000 workers had been involved, 5,000 people had died during the project's duration, and over 350 million dollars had been spent. This riveting documentary looks at the history of this...
Created by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, this nice digital archive is a collection of photographs and maps of Tibet and Lhasa from the early 1900s to the late 1930s, some of which were captured by Wisconsinite Harrison Forman. The website is divided into a number of sections for easy navigation that include photos taken by Forman, maps, and photos from early 1900 taken by two...
Several decades before Ernest Hemingway came to Paris to spend some quality time with Gertrude Stein near the Jardin de Luxembourg; there were a multitude of other American artists inspired by the City of Lights. Paris was, without a doubt, the art capital of the 19th century, and as Henry James remarked in 1887 "when to-day we look for 'American art' we find it mainly in Paris." Staff members at...
Rice University has a well-developed digital scholarship archive and this particular area of the site "strives to represent the full range and complexity of the Americas history by bringing together key documents." The Americas Digital Archive project is under the direction of two scholars at the university, and they have worked with colleagues to digitize over 1,000 documents. Visitors to the...
Mexico vote takes pulse for presidential race
Mexico arrests Zetas leader 'connected to attack' against ICE agents
United Nations Human Rights: Mexico...
Presented with a physical relief map of Greece and its many islands, visitors to the homepage of this site will then be treated to a range of material objects, ranging from masks, urns, and stone tablets. All of these items are part of the British Museum’s vast holdings of materials from ancient Greece, and brought together, they constitute the online website titled “Ancient Greece”. Previous...