Despite recent news items announcing its financial troubles, the Smithsonian Institution carries on doing what museums are supposed to do, such as providing Web exhibits like this one featuring the Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection. Paul and Ruth Tishman began collecting African art in 1959, and donated their collection to the Walt Disney Company in 1984. In 2005, Disney gave the...
Nuclear power in Germany: The reasons behind Chancellor Merkel's U-turn
France Criticizes German Nuclear Retreat
German nuclear energy history: a timeline,,15117199,00.html
Nuclear Power Global Status...
Somali-Americans Join Fight Against Drought
With famine in Somalia, a case of leadership (not compassion)...
The New York Public Library's early efforts to collect Native American portraiture were greatly aided by gifts and purchases made by Dr. Wilberforce Eames and J.P. Morgan. Morgan was a sponsor of Edward S. Curtis's massive survey of North American Native Americans and Eames was the Library's bibliographer. This particular digital collection from the Library brings together some of these early...
Munch's Scream, Madonna set for summer return in Oslo
Edvard Munch: The Dance of Life Site
Edvard Munch Online
Munch Museum [Macromedia Flash...
Over the past several years, more and more history scholars have created digital history projects that present archival material, historical data, and narrative prose in new and innovative ways. From the American Historical Association (AHA) comes Teaching with #DigHist, a series of resources designed to help history instructors easily incorporate digital history into their classrooms. Each month,...
Created and maintained by the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project (DILP), this nice website is designed to facilitate access to high-quality resources related to Islamic history, law, practice, and the societies of various Muslim peoples. The homepage is well designed, as it provides a general search engine, and an option to browse the site and its materials in four different languages. For...
The University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections continues to break new and interesting ground with one of their latest offerings, which happens to focus in on Alaska and the Canadian provinces of Yukon Territory and British Columbia. With extensive archival holdings in both areas, they are certainly well poised to do so, and this particular collection includes visual materials related...
The Cuban Heritage Collection of the University of Miami Libraries was a recipient of 17 original illustrations by Alberto del Pozo in 1998 from the Campilli family. "The Oricha Collection" is their gift, and it contains illustrations in pen, crayon, and ink and the collection "pays homage to the primary gods and goddesses that comprise the Afro-Cuban religion of Santer'a." The "Introduction"...