As a former colony of Britain, Canada contributed a significant number of troops to Britain's ongoing three year conflict within South Africa, often referred to as the Boer War. At the time, a number of persons within Canada expressed doubt about why they were supporting such a distant military venture, and even Prime Minister Sir Wilfried Laurier was skeptical. This online exhibit from the...
Now the Canadian penny's days are numbered, is the nickel next?
Canadian penny to join ranks of shinplasters, half-crowns
So long, Canadian penny. I won't miss...
Learning about Canada's past just became a bit easier with the Canada Year Book Historical Collection website. The site provides access to one hundred years worth of the annual "Canada Year Book". These books cover the years 1867 to 1967, and visitors will get the opportunity to learn about social and economic history from across the provinces. Visitors can browse by year or topic, and looking...
Looking for a bit of Canadian history? The magazine "Canada's History" is a good place to start, and they have recently launched a new version of their website. First-time visitors will note that the website features sections that include "Trading Post", "Online Extension", and "Album". The "Trading Post" area features pieces on the Hudson's Bay Company culled from its own in-house magazine, "The...
The Canadian Architectural Archives were established in 1974 as a joint venture between the University of Calgary Library and the Faculty of Environmental Design. The site contains a great deal of information about their holdings and collection, but most visitors will want to click directly over to their "Online Collections" area. Here visitors will find the Panda Digital Image Bank, the Donovan &...
As a department of the Canadian government, Canadian Heritage is "responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians." On their homepage, visitors can read through the "Headlines" area to get a sense for the programs they sponsor, which...
Last featured in the 08-26-2019 Scout Report, this resource remains a rich source of information on the history of human rights, having added new stories on topics such as the Srebrenica genocide and human rights in the Star Wars movies.
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, which opened in Winnipeg in 2014, "fosters an appreciation for the importance of human rights, spurs informed dialogue and...
The University of Miami's searchable website "As Far as the Eye/I Can See" is a collaboration of an English Professor in Caribbean Studies and their Digital Library Fellowship. The focus of the site is Caribbean artists and art critics, and includes audio and video interviews, photographs, biographies, and RSS feeds from Caribbean art critics. On the left hand menu are links to eleven "artist...
The Caribbean Community, or CARICOM, was created in 1973 as a way to bring together the English-speaking nations of the Caribbean in order to work towards a set of common goals. Their website allows visitors to learn about some of these common social and economic goals, and to learn more about the countries that are members of the organization. First-time visitors can click on the "Community" tab...
In this online gallery of the British Library, they have taken an interesting approach to highlighting one of their collections. They asked Mike Phillips, an author and historian born in Guyana, to comment and react to their large British West Indies collection.
There are illustrations, maps, and pages of text from books written during the period of colonization, all with explanations and...