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Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

NASA's Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet website features a diverse set of resources related to the measurement, analysis, and dangers of global climate change. Here readers will find a collection of Interactive Features all designed to bring to life the sometimes abstract conclusions of scientific articles on climate and its effects on human and other life on Earth. For example,...
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

While the Internet offers dozens of excellent sites dedicated to the science of climate change, few can compete with NASA’s Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. In addition to the walkthrough provided in the original writeup (see below), readers may want to explore the menu bar in the top right hand corner. From there, a page of resources opens up, including Facts, Articles, and...
Climate Feedback

Media attention to climate change has been increasing over the past several years, but not all articles on the subject are entirely accurate, and it can sometimes be difficult for non-expert readers to separate the wheat from the misleading chaff. To help with this quandary, Climate Feedback reviews high-profile climate change articles from a wide variety of publications, then annotates and...
Climate History

Climate change presents possibly the greatest challenge facing human civilization, yet its causes can be fiendishly complex to understand. To get a grasp on the decisions, technologies, and historical events that have led to our current climate crisis, K-12 science educators will want to check out the interactive infographic Climate History. The page is organized chronologically, and readers can...
Climate Interactive

Recent research suggests that role-playing simulations may be particularly effective for motivating people to take action on climate change, even across political divides. Climate Interactive, a project of the Washington, DC-based nonprofit New Venture Fund, has created several such resources that interested readers can access here. These include interactive tools, such as the downloadable C-ROADS...
Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network

The Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) offers a fine range of educational materials for educators hoping to build their students' "understanding of the core ideas in climate and energy science." Visitors can look over the What's New area to learn about updated lesson plans, classroom activities, and featured resources like "Soil Microbes and Global Warming." Users shouldn't miss...
Climate of the Past

Climatologists, geologists, and others will be delighted to learn about the existence of the open access journal "Climate of the Past". Started in 2005, the journal is published under the auspices of the European Geosciences Union and it is "dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on the climate history of the Earth." It is certainly...
Climate Visuals

In a world continually affected by climate change, advocacy becomes more and more important. Sometimes, in order to become advocates for sustainability and the health of the planet, readers need exposure to the harsh reality of the effects of climate change. Climate Visuals is a website and image library that draws evidence from "over 350 climate change and environmental groups, journalists,...
Climatic Research Unit

The Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia studies past and present climate change due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. The website offers downloads of the temperature, precipitation, pressure and circulation, and other climatic data; answers to many questions about the data availability and manipulation; and scientific references. Everyone can benefit from the...
CLIVAR: An International Research Programme on Climate Variability and Predictability

An International Research Programme on Climate Variability and Predictability's (CLIVAR) website discusses its investigations into natural and anthropogenic climate variability. While the Frequently Asked Questions link is currently under construction, users can still find out about CLIVAR's purpose, goals, objectives, implementation plan, priorities, and funding. Researchers can learn about...
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