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Climate Interactive

Recent research suggests that role-playing simulations may be particularly effective for motivating people to take action on climate change, even across political divides. Climate Interactive, a project of the Washington, DC-based nonprofit New Venture Fund, has created several such resources that interested readers can access here. These include interactive tools, such as the downloadable C-ROADS and En-ROADS simulations, which allow users to model and assess the impacts of large-scale climate pledges and energy use decisions. Simulation programs include the World Climate Simulation, which is an interactive role-playing climate negotiation game for groups of 8-50 people that has had thousands of participants worldwide. Climate Interactive's tools and programs may be of particular interest to educators, but they have also been used by policymakers and NGOs, community and business leaders, and general audiences. Readers may also be interested in the project's upcoming and recorded webinars for guidance on how to facilitate the simulation exercises. Climate Interactive was founded in 2005 by Drew Jones and Beth Sawin at MIT's Sustainability Institute (now the Donella Meadows Institute). In 2017, it won Prospect Magazine's award for Best US Energy and Environment Think Tank.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
November 2nd, 2018
Date Of Record Creation
October 29th, 2018 at 9:50pm
Date Of Record Release
October 30th, 2018 at 10:50am
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