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Language Arts -- Journalism


Carolina Photojournalism

The North Carolina Visual Communication program at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has an award-winning web presence that covers many different areas of photojournalism, including documentary and video. Visitors interested in seeing some of the short videos students have created thus far can click on "Vimeo", on the right side of the page. The video "They Stole So Much More..." starts...
Children and War

Established in 2000, and based in Bergen, Norway, the Children and War group is "dedicated to improve children's lives after wars and disasters." Their homepage has the latest news and results of the group's efforts, and visitors who have relationships with children will find advice on what to tell them about the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. The "Stories" link on the far left-hand side of...
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

If you've ever dreamed of reading the January 2, 1900 edition of Paris, Kentucky's "Bourbon News", this site will offer a form of wish fulfillment. This newspaper (and many others) are part of the Chronicling America website, which was produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program. The program is the result of a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of...
Colorado's Historic Newspaper Collection

From Cripple Creek to Grand Junction, the Colorado's Historic Newspaper Collection (CHNC) will help users get better acquainted with the history of the state. The funding for this digitization project came from a variety of sources, including the Collaborative Digitization Program, the Colorado Historical Society, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Currently, the archive contains...
Columbia Journalism Review Daily

The journalism school at Columbia University is held in high-regard by many for their commitment to training journalists that will hold a high standard of quality investigative reporting that will inspire future generations of like-minded individuals. As with many journalism schools, they have made great headway into offering both critique and comment on the changing world of journalism, and the...
Columbia Journalism Review: Innovations

Founded in 1961, the Columbia Journalism Review offers a mix of reporting, analysis, and commentary focused on the evolution of the art and business of media. The Innovations section of the magazine publishes content concerning the forefront of continually transforming print, television, and Internet media, with articles that broach such topics as whether the New York Times will go printless, how...
Committee of Concerned Journalists

In the summer of 1997, a group of well-regarded journalists and editors gathered for a meeting at the Harvard Faculty Club. They met because they had concerns about the future of journalism and about the public's general impression towards journalists. Over the following two years, they examined the state of journalism throughout the country, and they began to call themselves the Committee of...
Critics, authors and editors concerned over recent moves to eliminate book review sections in nation's newspapers

The folly of downsizing book reviews,1,3962449.story?coll=la-news-comment Battle of the book reviews,0,4948424.story CRITICAL MASS: The blog of the national book critics circle board of directors Salman Rushdie and Stephen...
Daily Egyptian Diversity News Index

Developed as part of the online collections at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale's Morris Library, the Daily Egyptian Diversity News Index provides historical insight into the campus climate at this unique school. In 2006, Dr. Seymour Bryson, the associate chancellor for diversity, teamed up with several other colleagues to identify articles in the Daily Egyptian (the University's student...
Dance Magazine

A website is the perfect complement to a magazine about dance, and Dance Magazine includes some excellent visuals that narrate the world of Terpsichore. The homepage features a rotating series of videos, some of which are rehearsals that exemplify the effort required to flesh out the vision of a choreographer; some are previews of new dances, lectures about dance, and dance competitions. For more...
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